Sunday, 2 October 2011

Let's see if I can do this...

Alright, so I've never really done this blogging thing, apart from a momentary online diary when I was about 17.  Oh it was lame, I'm telling you.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure this blog will end up with its only follower being my mum, but in the event that I do end up with others having the occasional glance, here's a bit about me....

So I'm 30 and I live in sunny Brisbane in Australia, have a 3.5 year old daughter and an 8 month old son.  I'm not a believer in marriage but I'm married to a really nice dude who happens to be my best friend (most of the time, that is!).  I live on a small suburban block (609m² or 664 yards) with the family, not far from the city and we're greenies.  Modern greenies.  We respect the earth and we try to do our bit for the planet.  We like a nice, modern house with some mod cons (I wouldn't be blogging without one of those, would I?) but we try to tread lightly...

In terms of frugality (this blog is after all, also about being frugal), I stopped working at the end of June 2010. As this means that we now live on one income, there have been some major adjustments to the way we live and how we spend money over the past year and a bit.  A lot of it has been trial and error, and some things have required an initial investment for a longer term saving... but I'm hoping it's all worth it in the end.  The great thing about being frugal, is that it usually serves two purposes - being nice to your hip pocket as well as being nice to mother earth at the same time.

Alright, so let's see how this bloggy business goes for me, shall we?

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